
Our drama workshops give our members the chance to express themselves through drama workshops

Sign up to our Drama workshop

The drama group meets once a week on Friday mornings, we play drama games, dress up, be different people and improvise. We tell stories, create new places, play with props and we are silly and serious and silly.

Our favourite games at the moment are ‘what are you doing?’, ‘animal game’ and ‘fruit salad’. We like to improvise at the doctors, in space, being chickens or chickens at the doctors in space – we could end up anywhere.

The drama group is run by Anita from ‘Loud Word’.
Anita is a playwright and a performer, she has worked in community theatre for over 20 years.

We run Drama workshops every Friday between 11.00am – 12.30pm.

12 weeks costs £150

Join Us!

Join us!

Give us a ring on ‭07598 728714‬
or send us a message below:

Thanks to our lovely supporters

"I find Misfits empowering and very joyful. It brings joy, is inclusive and builds confidence for people who are rarely included"
John Smith
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