Meet the team

We've had an amazing journey coming to where we are today, our team come from all walks of life and are passionate about the Misfits

Jules Allan, Creative Wellbeing Facilitator

Jules runs the wellbeing group on Wednesdays and has worked in the arts for over 25 years. Jules loves teaching and facilitating groups, she is trained in: Clowning, Dance, Movement, Theatre, Yoga, Meditation. Jules is training to be an Integrative Counsellor. Jules has worked with a range of organisations including; The Arts Council Advisory Access Scheme, Inclusion Gloucestershire, Spike Island, and Wiltshire Youth Arts Partnership.

Dan Bryan, Actor

Dan performs in the performance group changing people's attitudes towards adults with learning disabilities. Dan is powerful, animated, energetic performer who always makes people laugh. Dan writes and performs his own poetry and enjoys writing poems that explore his identity and that make people smile. Dan loves dancing, he's got moves and rhythm and enjoys performing. Dan is part of the Misfits steering group.

Karina Castro Rascon, Trustee

Through Karina's former role as Trinity Community Arts Projects Manager, she was introduced to Misfits and she started volunteering with the company in 2010 supporting their fundraising and transition from CIC to CIO. Karina was appointed a Trustee in 2014, to actively contribute to the Board of Directors, giving strategic direction to the organisation, setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets, and evaluating performance.

Debbie Curwen, Actor

Debbie has been at the heart of the Misfits, working alongside Tony as a co-founder, shaping the company into what it has become today. Debbie is part of the Misfits steering group and a talented performer and writer. Debbie has worked as drama facilitator in the Misfits workshops for 18 years.
Debbie's performances and poetry have changed how people with learning disabilities are seen.

Jenna Graves, Finance Administrator

Jenna has been working as a freelance event manager/venue operator in Bristol for almost 20 years. She recently joined the team to assist them with the membership program, bookkeeping and general administration.

David Hanford, Admin Assistant

David started coming to the Misfits in 2013. He loves learning new skills and making new friends. David works part time in the office and is part of the Administration team that helps to develop promotional material and the Website. “The Misfits is the best place to be”.

Tony Holdom BEM, Founder

Tony founded the Misfits theatre company in 2005, Tony started the group as 'Silent Voice' in 1997. Tony's love of laughter, playfulness and joy has run through all of the Misfits groups from the beginning. Tony has empowered the people he has worked with, creating a space for people with learning disabilities to speak up. Tony's work was recognised by the Queen in 2022 when he recieved a BEM award.Tony retired in May 2023 and spends time travelling and talking to his rabbits.

Rachael James, Movement facilitator

Rachael is a community dance artist. Her practice is influenced by the training she received in contemporary dance, ballet, clowning, yoga and principally by improvisation. Rachael has a BA (Hons) in Dance from University of Roehampton. Rachael is trained in Sound Therapy and Yoga Teacher Training. Rachael is the Founder of The Original Spinners.

Rhiannon Jones, Strategic Lead

Rhiannon worked alongside Misfits as a partner from Trinity Community Arts where she was Programme Director before joining Misfits in 2023.
Rhiannon holds a BA in Fine Art, an MA in Arts Policy and Management and was part of the Clore Social – Experienced Leaders Programme 2022. Rhiannon is also Executive Director for Bristol based charity Handstand Arts, who present the biannual festival Circus City.
Rhiannon will be strengthening our business planning and funding strategy to secure our charity’s future for years to come. If you have an idea you would like to explore then get in touch: rhiannon @

Anita Karla Kelly, Artistic Lead

Anita runs the drama and poetry sessions on Fridays and has been with the Misfits since 2006. She enjoys organising fun trips out, events and exhibitions with the poetry group. Anita devises new films and scripts with the Misfits, giving a platform to people with learning disabilities to be heard is her passion. Anita has trained in movement with Dance Voice, Community theatre at UWE, MA in professional writing. Anita is a writer and performer, her writing has received recognition from Royal Court Theatre, Bristol Old Vic, Theatre Royal Plymouth and BBC radio 4 audio awards.

Penny Lepisz, Actor

Penny has been with the Misfits since 1996 when the drama group was known as Silent Zone. Penny has done hundreds of performances and is a comical, memorable, powerful performer, once seen never forgotten. Penny says 'I enjoy acting as it emboldens my talent, potential and ambition. For me the monthly Rhythm of the Night brings out my dazzling side especially when I meet up with my handsome guy Peter. All in all the Misfits has shown me the person who I really am within and meant to be.' Penny is part of the Misfits steering group.

Bill Loveridge, Actor

Bill has been with the Misfits for over twenty years, he says 'I love being an actor entertaining people and making people laugh'. Bill was part of 'George and the Dragon' at Hampton Court, he was 'George' and enjoyed having different voices. Bill writes and performs his own poetry and is a lead actor in the training group, he brings laughter to our performances. Bill loves going to Rhythm of the Night and gets down on the dance floor. Bill is part of the Misfits steering group.

Sara Melton, Operational Lead

Sara joined the Misfits in 2012, every day is different at the Misfits which always keeps it exciting. Sara has a Drama degree and has worked with people with learning disabilities for over 17 years. Working with the Misfits has enabled her to blend her two passions, drama and working with people with a learning disability. Sara works with the acting group, who go out and perform for audiences, raising awareness of what life is like having a learning disability. Sara also works with the Friday drama group and manages the monthly nightclub event ‘Rhythm of the Night’.

Paul Prangley, Actor

Paul has performed with Misfits for 20 years he started when the Misfits were at ACTA in Bedminster. Paul performed at Hampton Court in 'All the Kings Fools', he played a minister. Paul is a leader and a powerful performer working with the performance group and movement. Paul educates people about learnining disabilities. Paul is part of the Misfits steering group where he makes the best and most important decisions about what the Misfits will do. Paul is really good at getting everyone dancing and leading the flash mob at Rhythm of the Night.

Beth Richards, Actor

Beth has been a member of the Misfits Theatre Company for over 10 years. Beth started to come to our drama workshops and loved them so much, she joined our poetry workshops as well. Beth performs with the training group, performing has given her the confidence to speak up for herself. She loves to teach others about the lives of people with learning disabilities through performance and poetry she has created films, poetry and performance. Beth also works in the office where she supports with articles for the website, commissions and developing project ideas.

Lesley Russ, Trustee

Lesley has been a trustee for the MISFITs since they became a charity. Lesley first got to know, and work with the MISFITs over 20 years ago when she worked in the NHS as a Learning Disability nurse in Bristol. Lesley moved to work in the council and, subsequently to UWE, she worked in partnership with them to develop staff training and to educate others about the evidence of inequalities in health, using their experiences of living with a Learning Disability. Lesley says 'do brilliant work, being an innovative and amazing organisation. I love and am privileged to know and work with them.'

Frank Spencer, Film maker and Trustee

Frank has built his career in communications and training, he now runs a video production company in Bristol making 'social issues' programmes for a whole range of voluntary sector, local government and industry clients. Over the past 15 years or so Frank has collaborated with the Misfits to help them produce some creative, informative and often laugh-out-loud films. They are such an inventive and resourceful group to work with.

Brendan Tate Wistreich, Chair of Trustees

Brendan is currently Director for a City Farm that provides diverse programmes, using land based activities to address social inequalities. He has a Masters in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability and previously worked with a social enterprise campaigning to end plastic pollution. He spent many years working within community development organisations and a social enterprise focussed on creative arts within inner city Bristol. He has been delighted to support the fantastic work of the Misfits since falling in love with their moving and hilarious live performances, let’s face it, who wouldn’t!

Rob Traill, Actor

Rob loves to perform theatre and write poetry that breaks down barriers, the barriers that people with learning disabilities face every day of their lives. His work celebrates the talent and diversity of each person’s potential, to be more than just a face in the crowd. Rob performs in the training group as an acedemic scholar, doctor, and poet. Rob loves meeting new people.

Jane Trathen

Jane has been with the Misfits since it first started in 1996, she's enjoyed doing many performances. Before the Misfits became the Misfts they were 'Silent Zone' they travelled to Japan to perform Jane says 'having an experience of a different culture was amazing, we perfomed a mime there.'
Performing has helped Jane with her emotions, she really enjoys being part of a group and having strong friendships. Jane is the person on the door who welcomes people for Rhyhtm of the Night, she loves the responsibility and learning new things.

Sue Turner, Trustee

Sue got to know the Misfits when she worked for the Health Service, and then the National Development Team for Inclusion. Sue says, 'The Misfits did some great performances for us at conferences, as well as making excellent films with strong messages for staff. When I stopped working full-time I was very pleased that I was able to become a trustee to support this excellent organisation.'

Rachael Walsh, Movement Facilitator

Rachael is a community dance artist and performer. Rachael trained at London Contemporary Dance School, Dartington College of Arts, DanceVoice Therapy Centre as well as training in Clowning. She's been working alongside Rachael James since 2013 in all of The Original Spinners inclusive dance workshops and projects.

Helen Watts, Workshop Assistant

Helen has been with the Misfits since 2017. Helen has worked across the organisations in different roles including as community engagement coordinator, meeting people in the community and telling them all about the amazing work the Misfits do and raising money for us.
Helen now supports our Wednesday Wellbeing workshops where she has a lot of fun with the group.

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Thanks to our lovely supporters

“In my experience, the Misfits have always delivered high quality performances that bring home the reality of life for people with learning disabilities in a way that audiences can’t ignore. I have found them to be very creative about getting the message across and always extremely professional.”
Sue Turner, Learning Disability Lead, National development Team for Inclusion
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