
Beth Richards from Misfits Poetry Group shares her Screen Printing Workshop Blog (Part 1)

In November 2023 Misfits moved to St Pauls Learning Centre. Keen to connect with our new neighbours we reached out to Creative Shift who run regular art classes at the centre to see if we could collaborate on something. Barbara invited our Poetry group to join their screen printing sessions over at M-Shed so that we could create art work to go with our latest Poetry theme of Dementia. Beth is creating a journal of her experiences which you can read below:

“Today (5th Feb 2024) I went to the M Shed to do a screen-printing workshop.

I thought it would be just the Misfits group doing it, but we were doing the screen printing with another group. It was nice to get to know new people.  We played around cutting out patterns then put different colours on it with a roller then pressed the patters on a paper, it came out really well. I could use this method on wrapping paper, I really liked it, it would be nice to do more of this :0) we are doing 6 workshops”.   

“Today (19th Feb) I went to my second screen printing workshop.  

We were getting lines from the Dementia: a life lesson poem, then drawing pictures or writing words to go with it.  I drew 3 pictures – taps running, a brain with question marks in and I coloured a piece of paper in black and wrote questions on it from the poem, with a question mark in the middle.

I liked getting lines from the poem and turning them into pictures – it was fun!”

“Today (4th March) we could choose from 3 activities – 2 were screen printing (different ways from the first session) and the other activity was printing using letters Stamps, I tried all 3.

I draw the brain again with pastels on a screen print and it came through on paper like magic, this activity was new to me, it was ok but it didn’t come out the way I wanted it to. 

I used the letter stamps to spell out taps…

I liked this activity.  Also I drew my taps running for the other screen printing, the teacher is taking the drawing home to do something with it, I will find out what she did with it in 2 weeks.”

There are three more sessions to go. Watch this space for what happens next,

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“In my experience, the Misfits have always delivered high quality performances that bring home the reality of life for people with learning disabilities in a way that audiences can’t ignore. I have found them to be very creative about getting the message across and always extremely professional.”
Sue Turner, Learning Disability Lead, National development Team for Inclusion
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