
We are pleased to share that we have been awarded funding from My Community Bristol (Mencap) and Bristol Social Action Fund to develop a new series of creative arts workshops. Funding has allowed us to co-design a new six-month programme of weekly workshops, making props, costumes and developing craft skills.

We are working with Designer, Maker, Activist and Dramaturg Ruby Pugh, to deliver our 10 week pilot, making props. Themes and ideas have been generated from Members in our Friday Drama group around a reimagined ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ story (Little Pink Running Jacket).

So far, we have been creating everything from crowns and wolf masks to food, including giant ice creams and cakes! We asked some of the group to tell us what they have like so far about the sessions:

“I love coming to the prop making sessions as I get to try something new. I like to socialise with new people” Participant Feedback.

We have loved seeing members from our Drama and Poetry sessions trying out something new. We have also enjoyed welcoming new members to Misfits.

During these first 10 sessions we’ll be planning what the themes for the next workshops will be.

Watch this space to see what the group create over the coming months. If you would like to find out more about our activities use the ‘Contact Us’ form below.

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Thanks to our lovely supporters

“In my experience, the Misfits have always delivered high quality performances that bring home the reality of life for people with learning disabilities in a way that audiences can’t ignore. I have found them to be very creative about getting the message across and always extremely professional.”
Sue Turner, Learning Disability Lead, National development Team for Inclusion
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