
Last year Misfits Member Beth created a film about her response to the climate crisis. She was supported by Biggerhouse Films to make her idea into an animation. Beth has shown her animation at events including ‘My Community Bristol’ celebration at the Ardagh and Sparks arts space in the old Marks and Spencers building in town.

On Wednesday 25th September, Beth shared her film at the Bluescreen at The Cube. Bluescreen is The Cube’s and Bristol’s longest running Short Film Night described as “YOUR Open Screen night for local film makers to bring in and screen their short films. Any film genre is welcomed”.

They state that “the more eclectic mix of films we get the better we like it!” meaning that they show a big range of films. The event takes place every two months so the next one is 27th November..

Beth’s experience of Bluescreen:

“I went to the Cube cinema for an event called Bluescreen, where you can put your films in (but it needs to be up to 20mins long) and you’ll get a free ticket. Also your film will be on their website. There slogan is “Bring in along and will bung it on”.

I watched 10 short films, my Animation was one of them, I introduced it and my heart was beating fast.  It went down well and someone knew me.  

I had plastic-free pens to give out and they all went, I signed a pen! :0) Wow I haven’t signed a pen before.  It was my first time I went to Bluescreen.

The Cube is not accessible due to lots of stairs, especially in the evening when it’s dark. You will need a helper if you have a disability. But I won’t recommend to in wheelchairs to go there but it’s not accessible for wheelchairs. The people there are nice. Hopefully they will change the building and then I can go more often as it’s very close to my house.”

Here is Plastic Police. Please comment and share if you like it. You can also view all the films screened on the Bluescreen webpage

You can read about Beth’s visits to other venues on the Our World section in Misfits News.

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“Overall, I wouldn’t hesitate to commend the Misfits for their professionalism, for delivering high quality work, and for the fun and enthusiasm with which they do so. They have been wonderful professional colleagues of ours.”
Dr Pauline Heslop, Reader in Intellectual Disabilities Research, University of Bristol
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