Beth and the Misfits Poetry Group continued their sessions at the M-Shed: Art-Shed, creating new artworks for an exhibition exploring dementia. The Art-Shed is a weekly session.
This is part 2 of Beth’s blog in which she talks us through her experience. (You can catch up with part 1 here: Member Blog: New Poetry Project Exploring Dementia – Misfits Theatre)
Today (18th March) “I did ink printing on the picture that Barbara bought back from home. I then scraped the ink down with a card to cover the back of the picture then then took the picture off the soft material and voila if by magic, the design was on the material. Also, I did more screen printing under words of our Dementia poem like before.”

Monday (15th April) “I did a mixture of block printing where I put paint on a design and positioned it on paper and I coloured in my taps running. The group continued to work on our background textures to go behind our final collage prints”.

Monday (29th April) “we had our final session :0( today.
Anita led a poetry exercise and I cut some pictures the group had created to put in the folder, then Barbera stuck them on the final images as collages over the backgrounds we had created.
The final artwork has text on top of the pictures that we all did together.
The art pieces are going to be shown in an exhibition in Southmead on 17th June. We will also show them at St Pauls Learning Centre” (date to be confirmed)