
The poetry group has been running for five years, we love getting out and about.

We have written poetry about Bristol harbour, you can listen to the poems if you have a phone and headphones. You will need to download the Echoes app on your phone, the walk is ‘Misfits on the Move’.

There is a link and a QR code at the bottom of this page.

The walk starts at the mirror ball by ‘We the Curious’, there is a map on the Echoes map which will guide you. You can go and do the walk at any time

We decided to do an audio walk around the harbour as Rob Traill in our group walks around by the water often and gets a lot of peace and inspiration from it. When we talked about the harbour everyone realised they had safe spaces that they liked to visit so we spend a few weeks exploring and sharing with each other. The poetry walk was launched as part of Lyra Poetry Festival.

We have had poetry exhibitions all over Bristol at the council houses, city library, Hamilton House, in 2016 we took over the Bear Pit – cleaned up a tunnel and put up poetry posters.

At the Misfits we beleive that raising visibilty of and for adults with learning disabilities is vital in challenging and changing attitues of mainstream culture.

QR code for audio walk around the harbour

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Thanks to our lovely supporters

“Overall, I wouldn’t hesitate to commend the Misfits for their professionalism, for delivering high quality work, and for the fun and enthusiasm with which they do so. They have been wonderful professional colleagues of ours.”
Dr Pauline Heslop, Reader in Intellectual Disabilities Research, University of Bristol
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